Australian Business Visa

Business Visas in Australia offer a convenient pathway for individuals aspiring to establish or expand their businesses, enabling them to enter Australia and potentially obtain permanent residency. To qualify for the business owner visa, applicants must already possess a provisional business skills visa. Nevertheless, under specific circumstances, individuals holding temporary refugee or protection visas may also be eligible for this type of visa.

To initiate the process, applicants must submit a valid application at one of the designated departmental business centers in Australia, as opposed to immigration clearance. It’s worth noting that secondary applicants are not required to be physically present in Australia during this application process.

There are several types of Business Visas available, catering to various business-related objectives

Australia visa apply
  • Business Talent Permanent (subclass 132)
Business Talent Permanent (subclass 132)

Business Talent Permanent Visa (Subclass 132)

The Business Talent Permanent (Subclass 132) Visa is an integral part of the Australian Business Program, which is designed to contribute to the growth and expansion of the Australian economy. Unlike some other visas, this one is available by invitation only. To be considered for an invitation, you must begin by submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) through Skill Select. In your EOI, you need to specify which business stream you are interested in: either the Significant Business History stream or the Venture Capital Entrepreneur stream. Additionally, you must indicate whether you are open to being nominated by any state or territory or if you prefer specific ones.

Once your Expression of Interest is in the Skill Select system, it can be viewed by state and territory authorities, who will then decide whether to nominate you to apply for this visa. Each state and territory has its own set of criteria for selecting candidates to nominate. In most cases, before the nomination, the relevant state or territory will reach out to you to discuss potential business opportunities.

The Business Talent visa (subclass 132) offers two distinct streams:

The Significant Business History stream is intended for successful business owners or part-owners who wish to take on a significant management role in either a new or existing business within Australia.

The Venture Capital Entrepreneur stream caters to individuals who have secured at least AUD 1 million in funding from an Australian venture capital firm.

Both streams are aimed at attracting individuals with strong business backgrounds and experience, as they have the potential to make valuable contributions to the Australian business landscape.

  • Please note that meeting the criteria for each stream can be complex and it’s essential to seek accurate and up-to-date information from official Australian government sources or immigration authorities when considering applying for this visa.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the Business Talent Permanent (Subclass 132) Visa, there are specific requirements for each stream:

1 Significant Business History stream:

Age Requirement: Generally, you must be less than 55 years old at the time of application. However, a state or territory may waive this age requirement if your proposed business is expected to bring exceptional economic benefits to the region.

Financial Criteria:

  • Net Assets: You (or your partner, or both combined) must have net assets of at least AUD 400,000 in a qualifying business for a minimum of two out of the four fiscal years immediately preceding the invitation to apply.

  • Total Assets: You need to have total assets of at least AUD 1.5 million that can be legally transferred to Australia within two years of the visa being granted.

  • Annual Turnover: Your main businesses (one or more) must have a total annual turnover of at least AUD 3 million for at least two out of the four fiscal years immediately before the invitation to apply.

  • Ownership: You should have ownership of at least 51% of a business with an annual turnover of less than AUD 400,000 per annum, or at least 30% of a business with an annual turnover of more than AUD 400,000 per annum, or at least 10% ownership of a publicly-listed company.

Business Career: You must demonstrate a successful overall business career and show no involvement in unacceptable business activities.

Genuine Desire: You should genuinely desire to own and maintain a management role in a business in Australia.

2 Venture Capital Entrepreneur stream:

Funding Requirement: To apply for the Venture Capital Entrepreneur stream, you must have obtained at least AUD 1 million in funding from an Australian Venture capital firm. This funding should be for the purposes of starting up, product commercialization, or business development related to a promising high-value business idea.

  • Meeting these criteria is crucial for successfully applying under the respective stream of the Business Talent visa. It is important to thoroughly review and understand the specific requirements and seek professional advice or guidance when applying for this visa type. The visa application process can be complex, and compliance with the eligibility criteria is essential for a successful application.


The Business Talent Permanent (Subclass 132) Visa offers several benefits to successful applicants:

  • Indefinite Stay: Visa holders can reside in Australia indefinitely, providing stability and the opportunity to establish themselves and their businesses in the country.

  • Work and Study: Visa holders have the freedom to work and study in Australia, enabling them to pursue their professional or educational aspirations.

  • Medicare Enrollment: Visa holders can enroll in Australia’s public health insurance scheme, Medicare, which provides access to a range of essential healthcare services.

  • Path to Citizenship: After meeting the eligibility criteria, visa holders can apply for Australian citizenship, granting them full rights and privileges as Australian citizens.

  • Sponsor Eligible Relatives: Visa holders have the option to sponsor eligible family members for permanent residence in Australia, allowing families to be reunited and settled together.

  • Multiple Travel: The visa allows holders to travel to and from Australia for up to five years from the date it is granted. This facilitates business-related travel and ensures ongoing connections with home countries or other international ventures.

These benefits make the Business Talent visa an attractive option for entrepreneurs and business owners looking to make Australia their new home and contribute to the country’s economy and business landscape. However, it’s essential to meet the specific eligibility criteria and comply with all visa conditions to fully enjoy these advantages.

       Processing time
     Consular fee
6 – 12  months

$550 CAD

Additional costs if applicable
Police Clearance   

Depending on nationality and Local Govt rules

Traffic Record Variable  

(depending on the state of Residence and the licence issuance)

Medical Examination 

Depending on the type of medical tests and examinations Required

  • applicable if required and requested by CIC
Translation/certification Of documents fees  

Variable depending on the translator

  • payable to the Translator
Visa Online Express Processing fee
Business Talent Permanent (Subclass 132)


  • Visa Application: Our team of immigration specialists will handle your visa application process from start to finish, ensuring that all the necessary forms are completed and submitted to the authorities to ensure best possible results.
  • International SIM Card: We offer you an International SIM Card, ensuring you stay connected with your loved ones while abroad at a more affordable cost.

  • Employment Registration Number: We assist you in obtaining your employment registration number, which allows you to work overseas with ease.

Access your eligibility by taking our complimentary test designed to determine your qualification for specific visa categories.

If you decide to engage Visa Online Express services, a highly qualified Registered Migration Agent will carefully review your profile to determine your eligibility for the Australian business talent permanent Visa.

By choosing Visa Online Express, you will benefit from the best Australian visa advice and comprehensive support throughout your visa application process, as we have a team of highly experienced Australian visa and immigration experts at your disposal.


Our headquarters are based in Chicago's Financial District.

Chicago, Illinois, USA

5400 N. Lakewood Avenue

(+45) 234 133 214