State Wise Skilled Occupation Australia

Australia offers fantastic opportunities for skilled workers seeking rewarding careers and a high standard of living in a new country. The State Wise Skilled Occupation List is a compilation of sought-after skilled occupations in different Australian states, including South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, Western Australia, Queensland, Tasmania, Northern Territory, and ACT.

This list caters to the medium to high-level job needs of these states, featuring occupations that are in high demand and hold significant value in the local economy. Skilled workers in these listed occupations may find attractive opportunities to work and live in their desired Australian state.

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If you are interested in working in different states of Australia, each state has its own specific occupation list to consider. Here are the occupation lists for some of the states:

South Australia: Check the South Australia Occupation List to see if your occupation is listed and in demand in the state.

Victoria: The Victoria State Occupation List comprises nominated occupations available for state nomination.

New South Wales: If you wish to work in New South Wales, check the Occupation list to see if your occupation is in demand and listed.

Western Australia: Discover great opportunities and a wonderful lifestyle in Western Australia. Check the occupations listed on the Occupation List for state nomination.

Queensland: If Queensland is your dream destination, check the Queensland State Occupation list to see if your occupation is in demand in the state.

Tasmania: For those interested in working in Tasmania, check the Tasmania State Occupation List to see if your occupation is still in demand and listed.

Each state’s occupation list comprises occupations that are high in demand in their respective regions. It is essential to check the specific occupation lists of the state you are interested in to determine if your occupation is eligible for state nomination or sponsorship.

  • This information can be crucial for skilled workers looking to explore job opportunities in different parts of Australia.

If you decide to engage Visa Online Express services, a highly qualified Registered Migration Agent will carefully review your profile to determine your eligibility for the Australian permanent residency Visa.

By choosing Visa Online Express, you will benefit from the best Australian visa advice and comprehensive support throughout your visa application process, as we have a team of highly experienced Australian visa and immigration experts at your disposal.


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