Canada Permanent Residency

Your path to a bright future

The permanent resident is an immigrant who is granted a permanent resident status by immigrating to Canada. Though a permanent resident is not a Canadian citizen, he/she enjoys many benefits and a great standard of life in the maple leaf country. As a permanent resident, you have the right to:

  • Get most social benefits that Canadian citizens receive, including health care coverage, live, work or study anywhere in Canada

  • Apply for Canadian citizenship

  • Protection under Canadian law and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Note: after you have attained a PR status, you must pay taxes and respect all Canadian laws at the federal, provincial and municipal levels.

If you decide to engage Visa Online Express services, a highly qualified Registered Migration Agent will carefully review your profile to determine your eligibility for Canada permanent residency.

By choosing Visa Online Express, you will benefit from the best Canadian visa advice and comprehensive support throughout your visa application process, as we have a team of highly experienced Canada visa and immigration experts at your disposal.

There are many pathways to attain Permanent Residency in Canada, below is a list:

Express Entry

Express Entry is a new system under which the Canadian Immigration Department grants permanent resident status to skilled workers based on their ability to settle down in Canada and their contribution to the Canadian economy. This online application system actually keeps candidates in a pool and then invites eligible candidates to apply for permanent residency.

Skilled Worker Class Immigration

The Skilled Worker Class Immigration program provides an opportunity for aspiring permanent residents to fulfill their dreams.

Applicants are evaluated based on criteria such as education level, age, work experience, language ability, arranged employment, and adaptability. Each factor is assigned a score, and the overall score determines eligibility for permanent resident status.

The minimum qualifying score for an applicant is 67 out of 100 points. Additionally, the Canadian Immigration Department considers criminal history and other relevant factors during the assessment process.

Business Class Immigration

Under the business class category, there are three different ways you can attain permanent residency in Canada: investors, entrepreneurs and self-employed persons.

Under the Investors category, you will have to show relevant business experience, net worth of C$800,000 and have to make sure that you can invest C$400,000 in Canadian economy. In addition to this, there are also some other requirements, listed here.

The Entrepreneurs category is meant for business individuals who have experience in owning and managing businesses or are part owners of an enterprise. The complete eligibility for the entrepreneurs can be checked here.

Self-employed persons must have the experience and ability to establish a business that will create employment opportunity for them and can contribute to the economy as well.

The provincial immigration program

The Provincial Nominee Programs present a promising option for those seeking permanent settlement in Canada. These programs allow provinces and territories to nominate skilled immigrants who possess the right skills, education, and work experience to contribute to the specific region they wish to reside in. Each province has its unique streams and criteria for their Provincial Nominee Programs.

The Canadian Provincial Nominee Programs are available in the following provinces:

  • Alberta
  • Manitoba
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Yukon
  • British Columbia
  • New Brunswick
  • Nova Scotia
  • Saskatchewan
  • Ontario

Quebec selected immigration program

Quebec has a unique immigration system called “Quebec-Selected Immigration,” as it does not participate in the regular Provincial Nominee Program. Instead, Quebec has a special agreement with the Canadian government to select immigrants according to their specific immigration requirements.

If you plan to settle in Quebec, you’ll undergo a separate evaluation under categories like Permanent workers, Business people, Students (for permanent immigration), Temporary workers (for permanent immigration), Families, and Sponsored refugees.

Obtaining permanent residency in Quebec can be complex and time-consuming, especially without a good understanding of Canadian immigration laws and policies. To increase your chances of success, consider seeking assistance from Canada PR visa experts at Visas Simply, who can handle your immigration request with expertise.


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