Tourist Visa for Canada

Canada extends a warm welcome to tourists and other visitors. Each year, over 5 million people choose Canada as their destination to explore the myriad opportunities it has in store.

As visitors, tourists in Canada have the freedom to travel to any part of the country, visiting family, friends, and exploring the diverse attractions that Canada has to offer. Additionally, they have the flexibility to enroll in short courses related to general areas of interest, self-improvement, or language learning, including English or French.

During their stay, visitors can also engage in meetings with potential employers or recruiters to explore promising employment prospects. They have the opportunity to explore renowned schools and educational institutions, potentially opening doors for further academic pursuits. Moreover, visitors can inquire about options for extending their stay in Canada, making the most of their time in this vibrant and welcoming country.

Eligibility Criteria:

To qualify for a visit to Canada as a tourist, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Possess a valid travel document, such as a passport.
  • Maintain good health.
  • Convince an immigration officer that you have ties, such as employment, a home, and family, that ensure your return to your home country.
  • Demonstrate to an immigration officer that you intend to depart from Canada when your visit concludes.
  • Have sufficient financial resources to cover your stay. The required amount of funds can vary depending on the nature of your visit, its duration, and whether you will be staying in a hotel or with friends or relatives.

You may also provide:

  • A letter of invitation from a Canadian resident inviting you to visit Canada.

Visa Online Express Processing fee
Tourist Visa


  • Visa Application: Our team of immigration specialists will handle your visa application process from start to finish, ensuring that all the necessary forms are completed and submitted to the authorities to ensure best possible results.
  • Employment Registration Number: We assist you in obtaining your employment registration number, which allows you to work overseas with ease.

If you decide to engage Visa Online Express services, a highly qualified Registered Migration Agent will carefully review your profile to determine your eligibility for the Canada Tourist Visa.

By choosing Visa Online Express, you will benefit from the best Canada Tourist visa advice and comprehensive support throughout your visa application process, as we have a team of highly experienced Canada visa and immigration experts at your disposal.


Our headquarters are based in Chicago's Financial District.

Chicago, Illinois, USA

5400 N. Lakewood Avenue

(+45) 234 133 214