Embark on a Working Holiday Adventure

Youth Mobility Scheme

Tier 5 – (The Youth Mobility Scheme) previously known as the Working Holiday Visa, offers an exciting opportunity for foreign nationals aged between 18 and 30 years to experience the UK while working and traveling for up to two years. This visa program is available to citizens of eligible countries that have a reciprocal agreement with the United Kingdom.

Eligible Countries:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Japan
  • Monaco
  • Taiwan
  • New Zealand

If you belong to any of these countries and are looking for a memorable working holiday experience in the UK, the Youth Mobility Scheme awaits your adventure!

Tier 5 – (Temporary Worker Government Authorized Exchange)

This category is for individuals coming to the UK for work experience, training, research, or fellowship through approved exchange schemes. It covers various subcategories, including charity workers, religious workers, and creative and sporting workers.

UK flag


To be eligible for the UK Working Holiday Visa, you must:

  • Be between the ages of 18 and 30.
  • Possess a valid passport from one of the eligible countries.
  • Not have any dependent children.
  • Not have previously held a UK Working Holiday Visa or Youth Mobility Visa.
  • Disclose any criminal convictions.
  • Refrain from setting up your own business or providing professional sports or medical services while in the UK.
  • Not be accompanied by any family members or dependents. However, spouses/partners of UK Youth Mobility Scheme applicants can join them as dependents if they qualify and obtain either the YMS visa or a different visa.

The UK Youth Mobility Scheme offers travelers the chance to enjoy a 24-month holiday in the UK while having the freedom to work in any job they desire.

Additionally, participants can enter and leave the country as many times as they like during this period.

Moreover, individuals on this scheme are allowed to pursue privately funded studies and engage in voluntary work if they wish to do so.

  • It is worth noting that many working holidaymakers choose to continue their stay in the UK through other visa routes, such as obtaining a UK work permit, based on marriage, as an unmarried partner, or as a student, among other options.

  • The possibilities for extending your time in the UK are varied, making the experience even more rewarding for those who choose to explore different opportunities beyond the initial Youth Mobility Scheme.

Processing time
Consular fee (£)
Processing fee
8-10 business days (variable)




Additional costs if applicable
Police Clearance   

Depending on nationality and Local Govt rules

Traffic Record Variable  

(depending on the state of Residence and the licence issuance)

Medical Examination 

Depending on the type of medical tests and examinations Required

  • applicable if required and requested by CIC
Translation/certification Of documents fees  

Variable depending on the translator

  • payable to the Translator

Fees are subject to change, and it’s important to check the official website of the UK government or consult with the UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI) for the most up-to-date information. Here are some general considerations

Visa Online Express Processing fee
Youth Mobility Scheme


  • Visa Application: Our team of immigration specialists will handle your visa application process from start to finish, ensuring that all the necessary forms are completed and submitted to the authorities to ensure best possible results.
  • Employment Registration Number: We assist you in obtaining your employment registration number, which allows you to work overseas with ease.

If you decide to engage Visa Online Express services, a highly qualified Registered Migration Agent will carefully review your profile to determine your eligibility for the UK Working Holiday Visa.

By choosing Visa Online Express, you will benefit from the best United Kingdom visa advice and comprehensive support throughout your visa application process, as we have a team of highly experienced United kingdom visa and immigration experts at your disposal.


Our headquarters are based in Chicago's Financial District.

Chicago, Illinois, USA

5400 N. Lakewood Avenue

(+45) 234 133 214