US Permanent Residency Visa

Your path to a bright future

Are you a skilled professional seeking a prosperous life in the United States? Interested in making a substantial investment in the country? Eager to reunite with your spouse in the U.S.? Look no further! The United States, with its robust economy, high quality of life, and abundant work and educational opportunities, stands as a prime destination for immigrants aspiring to become permanent residents. Embracing permanent residency status allows you to embrace a vibrant life in the United States, a nation at the forefront of global economic advancement.

Permanent Residents are immigrants granted the privilege to permanently reside and work within the United States. Upon acquiring permanent residency, you will receive a green card, a tangible proof of your status. Prior to becoming a U.S. citizen, a significant period of legal residency is required. Numerous avenues exist to attain Permanent Resident status in the United States.

united states visa

In a bid to foster family unity, the U.S. immigration department permits U.S. citizens to sponsor specific relatives for permanent residency. The eligible immediate relatives encompass:

  • Spouse
  • Unmarried children (under the age of 21)
  • Parent

Family Members of U.S. Citizens

If you don’t fall under the immediate relative category, you might still be eligible to migrate and settle permanently in the U.S. under the family preference category. This category enables U.S. citizens to sponsor:

  • Unmarried sons or daughters over the age of 21
  • Married children of any age
  • Brothers and sisters (if the U.S. citizen petitioner is over the age of 21)

Family Members of Permanent Residents

Eligible relatives of permanent residents can also migrate and enjoy an enhanced standard of living in the United States.

Work Visa: (Job Offer)

Should you possess a permanent job opportunity or have an employer willing to sponsor you in the United States, you could qualify for permanent residency based on your employment prospects.

Self Petition

For specific classifications of immigrant workers, a job offer is unnecessary, enabling self-petitioning. This applies to categories such as:

  • Individuals with extraordinary abilities in fields like sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics
  • Individuals granted a National Interest Waiver

Special Category Jobs

Even with a special category job, you could be eligible for a green card, provided you meet particular qualifications or apply during designated time frames. Some of the special category jobs encompass:

  • Afghan/Iraqi Translator
  • Armed Forces Member
  • Broadcaster
  • International Organization Employee
  • Iraqi Who Assisted the U.S. Government
  • Afghan Who Assisted the U.S. Government
  • NATO-6 Non-immigrant
  • Panama Canal Employee
  • Physician National Interest Waiver
  • Religious Worker


Entrepreneurs eager to invest in a U.S. commercial enterprise creating job opportunities for qualified American workers, along with their spouse and unmarried children under 21, can seek permanent residence under the entrepreneur category. Eligibility necessitates an investment of $1,000,000, or at least $500,000 in a targeted employment area.


The refugee or asylum category offers a pathway to permanent residency for individuals granted asylum by the U.S. government due to life-threatening circumstances in their home country. After one year of asylum residence, you can apply for permanent residency.

Diversity Lottery:

The Diversity Visa Category, commonly known as the Green Card Lottery, allocates around 50,000 immigrant visas annually. This program is open to individuals from countries with low U.S. immigration rates. Upon selection through the Diversity Visa program, you can pursue permanent residency for yourself, as well as for your spouse and dependent (unmarried & under 21) children.

Visa Online Express Processing fee
US Permanent Residency Visa


  • Visa Application: Our team of immigration specialists will handle your visa application process from start to finish, ensuring that all the necessary forms are completed and submitted to the authorities to ensure best possible results.
  • International SIM Card: We offer you an International SIM Card, ensuring you stay connected with your loved ones while abroad at a more affordable cost.

  • Employment Registration Number: We assist you in obtaining your employment registration number, which allows you to work overseas with ease.

If you decide to engage Visa Online Express services, a highly qualified Registered Migration Agent will carefully review your profile to determine your eligibility for a US Permanent Residency Visa.

By choosing Visa Online Express, you will benefit from the best United States visa advice and comprehensive support throughout your visa application process, as we have a team of highly experienced United States visa and immigration experts at your disposal.


Our headquarters are based in Chicago's Financial District.

Chicago, Illinois, USA

5400 N. Lakewood Avenue

(+45) 234 133 214