United States

Treaty Trader Visa

The U.S. Trader Visa, specifically the E-1 visa, facilitates international trade by allowing individuals from treaty countries to engage in substantial trade activities with the United States. This visa is designed to promote economic partnerships and mutual benefits between the U.S. and its treaty partners. It enables qualified traders to enter the U.S. to oversee and direct trade operations, enhancing international commerce and cultural exchange. The E-1 visa underscores the U.S.’s commitment to fostering strong trade relationships while offering eligible traders the opportunity to play a pivotal role in promoting global business connections.

  • Eligibility for the Treaty Trader Visa is granted to individuals representing nations that have entered into these bilateral trade agreements. To qualify for this visa, applicants must originate from a treaty nation.

  • Additionally, executives or managers who possess a minimum ownership stake of 50% in their respective companies are eligible to apply for this particular visa category.

US Treaty Trader Visa Categories

There are two types of trader visas, the E1 Treaty Trader Visa and the E2 Treaty Investor Visa stand distinct. This categorization is predicated upon the presence of treaties encompassing companionship, trade, navigation, bilateral investment, or other agreements between the United States and other nations.

E2 Treaty Investor Visa

The E2 Treaty Investor Visa is designed to allow foreign nationals from countries that have established treaties with the United States to engage in trade endeavors. These visas do not necessitate approval from the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service), yet a trading relationship exceeding 50 percent between the two countries is a requisite. When adjudicating these visas, several factors are taken into account, including the generation of employment opportunities within the United States and the prospective potential for business expansion.

Obtaining an E1/E2 Visa

Each visa application must be meticulously documented with substantial evidence attesting to the fulfillment of all stipulated requirements. The initial treaty application is assessed by the US embassy, while subsequent processing is overseen by the Citizenship and Immigration Center. Upon acquiring this visa, a foreign national can also act as a sponsor for dependents. Subsequently, sponsored spouses possess the opportunity to pursue approval for residing in the United States.

An E-1 visa is available to a foreign national under the following eligibility criteria:

Treaty Nation Affiliation: The foreign national or the associated company hails from a country that has established a treaty with the United States.

Substantial Trade: A trading relationship between the treaty nation and the US must exceed 50 percent of the total trade volume.

Sole Trade Engagement: The applicant is required to enter the United States with the sole purpose of engaging in trade-related activities.

Dependent Status: The individual seeking the visa may qualify if they are a dependent of an investor or an employer.

Visa duration

The duration of stay for E1 and E2 visa holders is initially granted for up to five years, commonly issued in increments of two years at a time.

  • These visas are subject to potential extensions, with no strict limit on the number of extensions allowed. The extensions can continue as long as the visa holders maintain their eligibility under the pertinent trade treaty.

The primary categories for United States Treaty Visas is as follows:

E1 Treaty Visa

E1 Treaty Visa

Training Opportunity in the US

The E-1 Treaty Trader Visa is a type of non-immigrant visa issued by the United States to individuals from treaty nations who wish to engage in substantial trade activities between their home country and the United States. Here’s some more detailed information about the E-1 Treaty Trader Visa:

Purpose of the E-1 Visa:

The E-1 Treaty Trader Visa is designed to facilitate and promote international trade between the United States and the treaty nation. It allows individuals, as well as employees of qualifying companies, to enter the U.S. to carry out trade activities. This could include activities such as trade of goods, services, technology, or international banking.

The E1 Treaty Trader Visa provides the following privileges:

  • Freedom of Travel: Visa holders can travel within specific regions of the United States without restrictions.
  • Employment in Trade-Related Companies: The visa holder can work for a US-based company engaged in trade relations with both the treaty nation and the visa holder’s company. However, sponsorship by the employing company is necessary for obtaining this visa.
  • Educational Opportunities: The E1 visa holder is permitted to engage in studies at a US university, although enrollment in a full-time program is not allowed.
  • Renewal Options: The E1 visa can be renewed multiple times, with each renewal extending the validity for an additional two years.
  • Accompanying Family: The spouse and children under the age of 21 of the E1 visa holder can accompany them to the US. They are allowed to study in schools and universities without the need for a separate student visa application.

It’s important to note that the privileges and restrictions of the E1 Treaty Trader Visa are subject to US immigration regulations and may vary based on individual circumstances.

Application Process:

Applying for an E-1 Treaty Trader Visa involves several steps, including submitting the necessary documentation, completing the required forms, and attending a visa interview at a U.S. embassy or consulate.

Duration and Extensions:

The initial period of stay granted under an E-1 Visa varies based on the reciprocity agreements with the applicant’s home country. Extensions are possible, and there is no set limit to the number of extensions an individual can receive. However, the trade and essential role requirements must continue to be met.

  • Please note that visa requirements and processes can change, and it’s important to consult the official website of the U.S. Department of State for the most up-to-date and accurate information.

  • If you decide to engage Visa Online Express services, a highly qualified Registered Migration Agent will carefully review your profile to determine your eligibility for the E1 Treaty Visa.

  • By choosing Visa Online Express, you will benefit from the best American visa advice and comprehensive support throughout your visa application process, as we have a team of highly experienced American visa and immigration experts at your disposal.

     Consular fee USD
Treaty Investors E-1 Visa


The fee covers only the visa applicant (per person).

  • Remember that visa-related costs can change over time, and it’s crucial to verify the most up-to-date information from the official website of the U.S. embassy or consulate where you plan to apply. Additionally, consulting with an immigration attorney or professional can help you understand the specific costs and requirements for your situation.
Additional costs if applicable
Police Clearance   

Depending on nationality and Local Government rules

Traffic Record Variable  

(Depending on the state of Residence and the licence issuance)

Medical Examination 

Depending on the type of medical tests and examinations Required

  • applicable if required and requested by CIC
Translation /certification Of documents fees  

Variable depending on the translator

  • payable to the Translator
Business investment costs

Business Investment Costs: In addition to the visa application fee, you should consider the costs associated with establishing and running the business you plan to invest in. This can include capital investments, operational expenses, and other business-related costs.

Visa Online Express Processing fee
E1 Treaty Investor Visa


  • Visa Application: Our team of immigration specialists will handle your visa application process from start to finish, ensuring that all the necessary forms are completed and submitted to the authorities to ensure best possible results.
  • Employment Registration Number: We assist you in obtaining your employment registration number, which allows you to work overseas with ease.

E2 Treaty Investor Visa

E2 Treaty Investor Visa

The E-2 Treaty Investor Visa offers a pathway for individuals from nations with established trade treaties with the United States to enter the country with the intention of establishing and cultivating a business venture. Unlike some other visa categories, INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) approval is not a prerequisite for obtaining these visas. However, a substantial investment is a key requirement for eligibility.

When evaluating applications for E-2 visas, various factors are taken into account, including the creation of job opportunities within the United States and the potential for future business expansion. This holistic assessment contributes to the decision-making process.

The E-2 visa is accessible not only to the principal investor but also extends to essential employees associated with the enterprise. Notably, there exists no predetermined limit on the number of years an individual can hold E-2 Treaty Investor status. As a result, it is conceivable to maintain this status for an extended period, thus offering flexibility and continuity to investors and their business endeavors.

You are permitted an initial stay of up to two years in the USA. Additionally, you have the freedom to travel, work, and reside in the USA. You have the option to extend your stay in two-year increments indefinitely, as long as your E2 status remains valid. Furthermore, you have the privilege of bringing your dependents (spouse and unmarried children under 21) to reside with you in the United States. The dependents of an E2 visa holder are also eligible to pursue studies in the USA.

Eligibility Criteria:

E-2 Treaty Investor Visas are exclusively available to individuals or companies from the following countries:

  • Argentina, China (ROC), Kyrgyzstan, Switzerland, Armenia, Colombia, Germany, Latvia, Panama, Thailand, Australia, Congo, Grenada, Liberia, Philippines, Togo, Austria, Costa Rica, Honduras, Luxembourg, Georgia, Poland, Trinidad and Tobago, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, Cameroon, Finland, Kazakhstan, Norway, Suriname, Yugoslavia, Canada, France, Korea, Oman, and Sweden. The Czech Republic, Iran, Pakistan, Mexico, Romania, Tunisia, Belarus, Ecuador, Ireland, Morocco, Senegal, Turkey, Belgium, Egypt, Italy, Moldova, The Slovak Republic, Ukraine, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Estonia, Jamaica, Mongolia, Spain, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Ethiopia, Japan, Netherlands.

Please note that this list is based on the information provided and may be subject to change or updates. It’s important to verify the current list of eligible countries from official sources before making any visa-related decisions.

Application Process:

Applying for an E-1 Treaty Trader Visa involves several steps, including submitting the necessary documentation, completing the required forms, and attending a visa interview at a U.S. embassy or consulate.

Duration and Extensions:

The initial period of stay granted under an E-1 Visa varies based on the reciprocity agreements with the applicant’s home country. Extensions are possible, and there is no set limit to the number of extensions an individual can receive. However, the trade and essential role requirements must continue to be met.

  • Please note that visa requirements and processes can change, and it’s important to consult the official website of the U.S. Department of State for the most up-to-date and accurate information.

  • If you decide to engage Visa Online Express services, a highly qualified Registered Migration Agent will carefully review your profile to determine your eligibility for the E2 Treaty Visa.

  • By choosing Visa Online Express, you will benefit from the best American visa advice and comprehensive support throughout your visa application process, as we have a team of highly experienced American visa and immigration experts at your disposal.

Expenses for obtaining E2 Treaty Investor Visa

Consular fee USD
Treaty Investors E-2 Visa


The fee covers only the visa applicant (per person).

  • Remember that visa-related costs can change over time, and it’s crucial to verify the most up-to-date information from the official website of the U.S. embassy or consulate where you plan to apply. Additionally, consulting with an immigration attorney or professional can help you understand the specific costs and requirements for your situation.
Additional costs if applicable
Police Clearance   

Depending on nationality and Local Govt rules

Traffic Record Variable  

(depending on the state of Residence and the licence issuance)

Medical Examination 

Depending on the type of medical tests and examinations Required

  • applicable if required and requested by CIC
Translation /certification Of documents fees  

Variable depending on the translator

  • payable to the Translator
Business investment costs

Business Investment Costs: In addition to the visa application fee, you should consider the costs associated with establishing and running the

business you plan to invest in. This can include capital investments, operational expenses, and other business-related costs.

Visa Online Express Processing fee
E2 Treaty Investor Visa


  • Visa Application: Our team of immigration specialists will handle your visa application process from start to finish, ensuring that all the necessary forms are completed and submitted to the authorities to ensure best possible results.
  • International SIM Card: We offer you an International SIM Card, ensuring you stay connected with your loved ones while abroad at a more affordable cost.

  • Employment Registration Number: We assist you in obtaining your employment registration number, which allows you to work overseas with ease.

By choosing Visa Online Express, you will benefit from the best United States visa advice and comprehensive support throughout your visa application process, as we have a team of highly experienced United states visa and immigration experts at your disposal.


Our headquarters are based in Chicago's Financial District.

Chicago, Illinois, USA

5400 N. Lakewood Avenue

(+45) 234 133 214